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My Times Are In Your Hand – Kristian Sand

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My Times Are In Your Hand – Kristian Sand | Liekkikustannus.fi

20,00 €


God created nature to work its way through the pattern of seasons. Seasons are structured into nature. Seasons are God’s idea and His design.

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My Times Are In Your Hand – Kristian Sand


God created nature to work its way through the pattern of seasons. Seasons are structured into nature. Seasons are God’s idea and His design. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit we can discover many spiritual lessons of His wisdom from studying how nature functions. Each season has its typical characteristics and each teaches us spiritual principles for life and growth. They look, sound, taste and work very differently - just like natural seasons.

What does a spiritual winter look like? What about a spring? Fruit is produced after nature has passed through 4 seasons. In this book, God’s times and seasons are being explained from many different perspectives: From the life of Jesus, from what the Word of God teaches on this subject, from the life of the farmer, from how personal prophecies often reveal God’s seasons in our lives and finally, from how God has worked in our personal lives. As you reflect on this message, you will start to discern God’s seasons in your spiritual life. May this book inspire you to recognize His work in different seasons, welcome it and see His fulfillment in each one of them!


Soft cover

Publisher: Kristian Sand


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